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About webhooks

Fullup alone radically improves automation for your rental business. If you want to extend automation to third party applications outside of Fullup, integrate webhooks into your operations.

Setting up webhooks with Fullup

  1. Once signed in as an admin on your Fullup site, go to Settings, and click on Webhooks under Integrations.
  2. Define a URL endpoint on your server to receive webhook data.
  3. Provide the URL where Fullup should send events.
  4. Configure the events (i.e. scope) that should trigger the webhook.

This setup enables your business to start receiving real-time data from Fullup without delay.

Payload structure

Every webhook fired from Fullup follows this structure:

event: string; // The name of the event, such as order.created
data: Object; // An object containing relevant data about the event

The exact structure of the data object is defined for each event. Generally, the data object contains one or more Fullup data objects, as defined here.


Your webhook endpoint has, at most, 25 seconds to respond to a webhook request from Fullup.

After 25 seconds, the request will time out on Fullup's end.


Learn more about how you can verify webhooks in the Webhook security section.